Priorities of students in Pakistan: why good grades and job only? Why not the skills and creativity?
Everyone in this world have a motive to earn money to feed their stomach. In search of money, man doesn't focuses on skill development. Only degree and some experience can secure your future by giving you a healthy job. So why to work on skill development? This is the main reason why most of the students and even their parents consider healthy grades more important.
"Demand side should demand for the quality more than the quantity." (Usama Ihsan)This means that the organizations should give priority to the quality of education and skills not only the grades.
"Demand influence the supply side directly and indirectly." (Usama Ihsan)The requirements for the job will set the quality of education, creative thinking and skill development as a priority for the students and their parents. More than that the teaching institutions like schools, colleges, universities and academies have to focus more on skills and creativity development in the students more than any thing else.
At the time of independence, the newly formed Islamic state was lacking in human capital. It was short of educated people to be hired in newly formed government service departments and skilled labor to be hired at factories. To make Pakistan strong in terms of economy, governance, and defense at that time, it was very important to hire great minds. For that, the country was first needed to develop those healthy minds. But it was unable to do so and from the time of independence, we as a majority of the nation have been considering degrees and a job that is giving a satisfied level of income our priority without knowing the importance of skills establishment, enhancement and development in the establishment, enhancement and development of a healthy productive society.
Government policies and implementation on those policies do effects the societal behaviors directly and indirectly. Government should focus on skills enhancement and development then further makes the institutions to focus and make it a common priority while giving jobs. Government reflects the society so the role of society is more important than the role of government.
Society is basically a group of people living in a particular place and all the people in that society are interlinked with each other. They all are sharing almost same interests, same culture but only to some extent.
Society makes a difference in every case as it is responsible for its own actions. Society itself makes or decides its own future.
Our society don't focuses on creativity much as compared to the west. Here degree with good grades only is considered as the excellence of any student. Majority doesn't gives priority to the creative minds. This attitude should be changed.
Educational institutions should make education a physical activity more than theoretical. Physical inclusion of more and more students in the studies will make students active and skilled. Presentations, class participation, discussion opportunities equally, practicals and ethics will give a plus point to every student in their entire life.
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